Grove Road Evangelical Church
Grove Road
Essex CM2 0EY
There is some car parking on the forecourt of the church. Turn off Grove Road into Godfrey Mews to access it on the left. When the Foodbank is open, currently Monday afternoon, Wednesday and Friday mornings, this car park area is reserved for Foodbank staff and visitors.
A few yards on further on in Godfrey Mews there is a turning on the right into a car park area that can be used during the evening or all day Sunday by visitors to Grove Road Evangelical Church. This area has five car-parking spaces allotted to the church. There are signs on the walls around the car park which indicate which spaces they are. Parking along Godfrey Mews is not permitted.
Copyright © 2018-2024 Grove Road Evangelical Church
last updated: April 22nd 2024