
Sunday Meetings

We meet Sundays at 11.00am


After the morning service on most Sundays there will be an opportunity to meet together in the back hall for refreshments.

Sunday Refreshments

lunchFellowship Lunch

From time to time there will be a church fellowship lunch after the morning service.

This will typically be on the third Sunday of each month. Bring your own picnic! Facilities are available for warming food up, but not for cooking a meal from scratch. There is a microwave and an oven.

lunchThe Lord's Supper [Communion]

The Lord's Supper is typically part of the morning service on the first Sunday of each month.

Where there is a fellowship meal on the third Sunday of each month this will be followed by a Breaking of Bread [The Lord's Supper] service, beginning at 3pm and lasting about one hour.

What do I need to know if I visit your church?

What should I wear?

There are no "rules" about what you should wear though we would suggest fairly smart would be a good idea where possible. It doesn't have to be a suit or similar!

As long as we remember that we are meeting in the presence of God, that should be a good guide as to what we feel it is right to wear to come to church in.

Copyright © 2018-2025 Grove Road Evangelical Church
Page last updated: April 22nd 2024

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