
Lent 2025 Studies

A series of Six Tuesday Evening 7.30pm Sessions on the theme of Living as a Disciple of Jesus.

This series of studies will be an opportunity for us to discover more of what the Bible teaches us about how we should be living our lives as Christians - as disciples (students, followers) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We will explore how we can apply that teaching to our own lives, and so live more like Jesus each day as we face our own varied situations, difficulties, temptations and challenges.

Lent is often thought of as a time for giving up something, a time for fasting and prayer. These may all be helpful in many ways, but the most important thing we can do during Lent is to commit ourselves to spend more time learning about how Jesus would want us to live our lives.

At Grove Road Evangelical Church we are dedicating six Tuesday evenings during Lent to learning more about what the Bible teaches us about how Jesus lived, and about how we can change our lives to become more like Jesus day by day.

These sessions will be on the following Tuesdays at 7.30pm:

March 11thWhat is a Disciple?
March 18thWhat are we aiming for?
March 25thNew life - New lifestyle
April 1stTransformation: Put Off - Put On
April 8thWhich side are we on?
April 15thLiving like Jesus

These studies will focus on Ephesians chapter 4 and on into the first couple of verses of chapter 5. They will take in other parts of the Bible too as we explore what the titles of the sessions mean in our daily lives.

The sessions will be informal times of looking at what the Bible says and times of discussion. You are welcome to sit and listen, or to participate in the discussions - which will be moderated!!

We hold a range of meetings during the week, daytime and evenings. You are welcome to come along to any of them. If you would like to find out more, please feel free to contact us for more information:

Email: contact@grecuk.co.uk

Copyright © 2018-2025 Grove Road Evangelical Church
Page last updated: February 12th 2025

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