If you are new to Grove Road Evangelical Church (GREC), then hello, you are very welcome.
Our main meeting each week is on Sunday morning at 11.00am. The church is usually open for about an hour before the start of the service. There will be a warm welcome for you and your family.
The service will include a range of songs, some old, most fairly new; readings from the Bible, some you can join in with, some will be to listen to and follow along; there will be times of prayer - in some services there will be times of open prayer when anyone can pray for what is on their heart. During morning services, prayers are usually led from the front of the church.
There will be a talk towards the end of the service that will last around about half an hour, and it will focus on something that the Bible says.
After the morning service there is usually a time for fellowship in the back hall over a cup of tea or coffee, often with biscuits or cakes to enjoy as well.
About once a month there will be meal together after the morning service. We call it a "Bring your own picnic" meal - you bring whatever you would like to eat, something that you would call a picnic if you were eating it outside, except we eat it inside! There are facilities to heat things up if required, but we do not prepare cooked meals on the premises.
These are good times to get to know others in the church in an informal and relaxed setting.
More information on our Sunday services can be found on the Sundays page of this website.
You will find our statement of faith and other information on the What we believe page of this website.
You will find a guide to where the church is located in Chelmsford and where to park on the How to find us page of this website.
You can contact the church by email:
Email: contact@grecuk.co.uk
You can read a bit about the history of the church and the group of churches to which we belong on the Our history page of this website.
Copyright © 2018-2025 Grove Road Evangelical Church
last updated: April 25th 2024