Born in 1955, Philip has been our pastor for a few years now: since 2022 as Senior Pastor, before that as Associate Pastor. He has been married over 40 years.
Philip studied Natural Sciences and Computer Science at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge 1973-1976. He spent the autumn of 1976 living and studying at L'Abri in Switzerland, a Christian community and study centre set up by the American Christian pastor and apologist Francis Schaeffer.
In the early 80s Philip and his wife helped out at a small evangelical church on the Essex-Suffolk border. This was with an organisation now known as Rural Ministries.
Most of his working life was spent in the fields of Electronics and IT, but in 2005 he and his wife moved to Normandy to work as missionaries and church planters. They were then until the end of 2009. Part of that ministry involved running a summer Bible exhibition in a church right by the beach. Running the exhibition each summer continued after they had returned to the UK, up until 2013 when another Christian organisation took over responsibility for running the exhibition.
You can contact the pastor on the following email:
Copyright © 2018-2025 Grove Road Evangelical Church
last updated: May 10th 2024